
Hello everyone! My name is Andrew, and I am going to be a sophomore at Middleton High School this year, which makes me the youngest person on the team by two school years. This will be my first time going to Romania, and I am absolutely thrilled! I can’t wait to see what interesting ways God will be working through me on the trip. I have two older siblings that have already gone to Romania multiple times, so I have heard many stories of how incredible it was for them, and I can’t wait to get a hands-on perspective of Open Roads and the work they are doing there.

Some things you should know about me are that I have been playing piano for 7 years, and I can never resist playing a quick song or two on a piano if I see one. Some extracurriculars I have been a part of are Middleton Theatre, who recently put on the production Urinetown, and Global Outreach club, who put on fundraisers to raise money for Open Roads and other organizations. Also, I can solve a Rubik’s Cube in under 10 seconds (and I will be bringing several puzzles on the trip).

My prayer requests for the trip are that I am able to make meaningful, impactful relationships with Romanians as well as with others on the team, and that I am able to be fully present in my time there and make the most out of this incredible experience. Finally, thank you to anyone who supported the team financially. Without you, this trip would not be possible.

-Karbusicky #3

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