Meet Bria

Honestly I don’t think I can accurately depict myself and my motives for going on this trip in a few sentences, but please enjoy this jumble of facts and stories that share a little bit about me.
I recently came to the realization that I am at a severe risk for a laughing attack when I laying on my back. Seriously laying down puts me in a giggly mood; Even the lamest of jokes could result in a side cramp from minutes of laughter. It’s a pattern that has popped up throughout my entire life but the first time I really remember if affecting me was when I hung out with my siblings and cousin one summer day when I was about 8. We were playing a game where one person lays on their back and looks up, while another sits in front of their head and stares down. After a few minutes the face of the person looming over you suddenly switches, and it appears upside down. Their hair looks like a beard, their chin a forehead, and you and your partner laugh at each other’s goofy appearance. One day playing this game resulted in me laughing for upwards of 10 minutes straight, unable to stop picturing my cousins lovely features turned upside down and oddly distributed. This inclination to laugh has followed me to frisbee tournaments, swim meets, Blackhawk retreats, and hopefully it will follow me on this trip too.
I love music. I’ve played piano since I was six, I’m in my school orchestra, I’m not ready for my day unless a pair of headphones find their way into my bag.
I used to swim competitively, partly I think cause I’m a secret adrenaline junky, and also because I loved the principles it taught me. Because I swam I’ve learned to be confident, determined, to have integrity. I do miss it sometimes, but now I teach kids to swim who hopefully can learn the same lessons from me.
My older sister Kira has been on this trip twice, and had the opportunity to return to Romania this past spring while studying abroad in Spain. I’ve heard so many stories from her and others who have been on the trip. I can’t pretend to understand what they’ve experienced while in Romania, but I’ve heard enough to open a huge part of my heart to the orphans Open Roads is working with. And I’m ecstatic to finally meet them.