
What’s up people of the interwebs?!?!?!
Heyo, my name is Noah and I am super excited to be a part of the team this year! This will be my third time going to Romania and I’m pumped to have the opportunity to continue the relationships that I have built in the past.
After we get back from Romania I will be going into my senior year at Middleton High School. In my spare time I love playing soccer, ski jumping, playing the viola, listening to music, and rewriting songs. I have about 4 rewritten songs including Holy Ghost and Jesus (to the tune of Hot Cheetos and Takis) and Jordan Bell’s Shirts (to the tune of Jordan Belfort)—I’m still working on the music videos 🙂
While we are gone I ask for prayers that we have safe travels and that I can be fully present while in Romania.
Thank you all for the support! Please use the internet to its fullest potential by leaving comments!!!

3 thoughts on “Noah

  1. Alright Bro, not sure if they’re going to go back and read these for you all or not BUT if they do… TEAM GET PUMPED!!!! You’re about to get tons of encouragement and love from all of us back at home. We miss you all and some of us may be trying to live through your posts since FOR SOME REASON Blackhawk won’t let us go back. Crazy how somebody would consider me too old for this.
    ANYWAYS Give Noah a massive hug and high-five for me and keep the posts coming.

    Love ya mucho dude

  2. Comments comments comments. Dan says you plagiarized him which is a very serious accusation. Hope you’re having a great time and getting to know God in new ways. I’ll be praying for you guys. Hugs and high 5s.


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